Day 2: Data types and Standard Libraries in Python for DevOps

Day 2: Data types and Standard Libraries in Python for DevOps


4 min read

Data Types:

Data types are an essential concept in programming. They represent the different types of data that a program needs to manipulate and process.

Python, like many programming languages, supports several built-in data types. Here are some of the common data types in Python:

Data Types in Python

Python supports a variety of data types:

  • Numeric types: int, float, complex

  • Sequence types: list, tuple, range

  • Mapping type: dict

  • Set type: set, frozenset

  • Boolean type: bool

  • Binary types: bytes, bytearray, memoryview

  • None type: NoneType

Python data types determine how data is stored and operated upon.

Numeric Types

  • int: Stores integers.


a = 10
# <class 'int'>
  • float: Stores floating point numbers.


b = 10.5  
# <class 'float'>
  • complex: Stores complex numbers with real and imaginary parts.


c = 1 + 2j
# <class 'complex'>

Sequence Types

  • list: Stores ordered collections of items.


fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"]  
# <class 'list'>
  • tuple: Stores immutable ordered collections.


coordinates = (3, 5)
# <class 'tuple'>
  • range: Generates a sequence of numbers.

Mapping Type

  • dict: Stores data as key-value pairs.


capital_city = {'Nepal': 'Kathmandu', 'Italy': 'Rome'}
# <class 'dict'>

Other Types

  • set: Stores unordered collections of unique items.

  • bool: Stores True or False values.

  • str: Stores string values.

  • NoneType: Represents the absence of a value.

Data types allow Python to:

  • Allocate memory efficiently

  • Perform type checking

  • Specify function parameters Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

    String Data Type in Python

    In Python, a string is a sequence of characters. Strings are defined either using single quotes ('...') or double quotes ("...") with the difference being that double quotes allow interpolation of variables using the $ sign.


        string1 = 'Hello'
        string2 = "Hello"

    Strings are immutable, which means you cannot change an individual character in a string, you have to create a new string.

    Some key facts about strings in Python:

    • Strings can be concatenated using the + operator or the format() method

    • Strings can be sliced using [] to get substrings

    • The length of a string can be found using the len() function

    • Strings can be checked for substrings using the in and not in operators

    • Strings have many useful methods like upper(), lower(), split(), replace(), etc.

For example:


    string = "Hello World!"

    # Concatenate
    string2 = string + " Welcome!"

    # Slice 
    string3 = string[2:5]

    # Length
    length = len(string)

    # Check
    if "Hello" in string:

    # Upper case    
    string_upper = string.upper()

    # Replace    
    string_new = string.replace("World", "Universe")

In the web search result, we also saw:

  • Strings can be assigned to variables

  • Multiline strings can be defined using triple quotes

  • Strings can be indexed and sliced like arrays

String Manipulation and Formatting:

  • Concatenation: You can combine strings using the + operator.

  • Substrings: Use slicing to extract portions of a string, e.g., my_string[2:5] will extract characters from the 2nd to the 4th position.

  • String interpolation: Python supports various ways to format strings, including f-strings (f"...{variable}..."), %-formatting ("%s %d" % ("string", 42)), and str.format().

  • Escape sequences: Special characters like newline (\n), tab (\t), and others are represented using escape sequences.

  • String methods: Python provides many built-in methods for string manipulation, such as split(), join(), and startswith().


Regular expressions (or regex) are a powerful tool for pattern matching in strings. The re module in Python's standard library provides robust support for regex.

Some of the main things you can do with regex in Python are:

  • Match patterns in strings

  • Search for patterns in strings

  • Split strings based on patterns

  • Replace patterns in strings

The basics of using regex in Python are:

import re

This imports the re module. Then you can compile a regex pattern:

pattern = re.compile(r'some regex pattern')

The r before the regex string means "raw string" - escaping backslashes is not needed.

You can then use this pattern to:

  • Match:
result = pattern.match(some_string)
  • Search:
result =
  • Split:
result = pattern.split(some_string)
  • Substitute:
result = pattern.sub('replacement', some_string)

The result in each case is either a Match object or a list/string.

To define regex patterns, you can use:

  • . - Any single character

  • [abc] - Any of a, b or c

  • a* - Zero or more as

  • a+ - One or more as

  • a? - Zero or one a

  • \d - Any digit

For example, to match any number, you can use:


That's a wrap......................