Day 2: Data types and strings in Python


3 min read

Data Types:

Data types are an essential concept in programming. They represent the different types of data that a program needs to manipulate and process.

Python, like many programming languages, supports several built-in data types. Here are some of the common data types in Python:

Data Types in Python

Python supports a variety of data types:

  • Numeric types: int, float, complex

  • Sequence types: list, tuple, range

  • Mapping type: dict

  • Set type: set, frozenset

  • Boolean type: bool

  • Binary types: bytes, bytearray, memoryview

  • None type: NoneType

Python data types determine how data is stored and operated upon.

Numeric Types

  • int: Stores integers.
a = 10
# <class 'int'>
  • float: Stores floating point numbers.
b = 10.5  
# <class 'float'>
  • complex: Stores complex numbers with real and imaginary parts.
c = 1 + 2j
# <class 'complex'>

Sequence Types

  • list: Stores ordered collections of items.
fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"]  
# <class 'list'>
  • tuple: Stores immutable ordered collections.
coordinates = (3, 5)
# <class 'tuple'>
  • range: Generates a sequence of numbers.

Mapping Type

  • dict: Stores data as key-value pairs.
capital_city = {'Nepal': 'Kathmandu', 'Italy': 'Rome'}
# <class 'dict'>

Other Types

  • set: Stores unordered collections of unique items.

  • bool: Stores True or False values.

  • str: Stores string values.

  • NoneType: Represents the absence of a value.

Data types allow Python to:

  • Allocate memory efficiently

  • Perform type checking

  • Specify function parameters Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

    String Data Type in Python

    In Python, a string is a sequence of characters. Strings are defined either using single quotes ('...') or double quotes ("...") with the difference being that double quotes allow interpolation of variables using the $ sign.

      string1 = 'Hello'
      string2 = "Hello"

    Strings are immutable, which means you cannot change an individual character in a string, you have to create a new string.

    Some key facts about strings in Python:

    • Strings can be concatenated using the + operator or the format() method

    • Strings can be sliced using [] to get substrings

    • Length of a string can be found using the len() function

    • Strings can be checked for substrings using the in and not in operators

    • Strings have many useful methods like upper(), lower(), split(), replace(), etc.

For example:

    string = "Hello World!"

    # Concatenate
    string2 = string + " Welcome!"

    # Slice 
    string3 = string[2:5]

    # Length
    length = len(string)

    # Check
    if "Hello" in string:

    # Upper case    
    string_upper = string.upper()

    # Replace    
    string_new = string.replace("World", "Universe")

In the web search result, we also saw:

  • Strings can be assigned to variables

  • Multiline strings can be defined using triple quotes

  • Strings can be indexed and sliced like arrays

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.